Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm a Rhythmic Sucker

I'm posting a song I find fun (although her other songs are a bit repetitive). I always liked the unusual but mellow rhythms - when I was listening to KJAZ at LA, I almost shat my pants when I heard a song with a very interesting (I believe it was 7 or 9 beats per measure) coordination between the guitarist, the bassist and the drummer who were all playing on very different beats sequences. Forgive my pathetic musical liguo, but as long as I understand myself, I never feel it necessary to expand.

Also, why did you erase the Deezer links, Daniel? You should leave stuff you're not proud of (although there's really no reason for feeling ashamed of any posts here). Some of mine are (by far) the worst, anyway. Remember, Little Timmy is always behind you!

Discover Abbey Lincoln!


Some Hindus have an elephant to show.

No one here has ever seen an elephant. They bring it at night to a dark room.

One by one, we go in the dark and come out saying how we experience the animal.

One of us happens to touch the trunk."A water-pipe kind of creature."
Another, the ear. "A very strong, always moving back and forth, fan-animal."
Another, the leg. "I find it still, like a column on a temple."
Another touches the curved back. "A leathery throne."
Another, the cleverest, feels the tusk. "A rounded sword made of porcelain." He's proud of his description.

Each of us touches one place and understands the whole in that way.

The palm and the fingers feeling in the dark are how the senses explore the reality of the elephant.

If each of us held a candle there, and if we went in together, we could see it.

-As told by Rumi
C. Barks translation

All experience is an elephant in the dark.

Our senses and minds touch reality, are immersed in reality, yet cannot grasp reality within their palms.

In complexity, we reduce into simple parts.
In ignorance, we try to know.
For the sake of control, the process of exploration narrows down to an exploration of the parts.

The whole becomes a finite sum of constituents.


Dissociation from experience.

Monday, December 29, 2008


"Alors que près de 7 000 espèces végétales ont été cultivées depuis le début de l'humanité, 15 variétés de plantes et 8 variétés animales seulement fournissent aujourd’hui 90% des ressources alimentaires de la planète. Cette uniformisation pose le problème de la perte des saveurs et de l’appauvrissement culturel, mais également celui de notre dépendance à quelques variétés alimentaires lorsque celles-ci se trouvent menacées par un agent pathogène, un insecte ravageur ou un aléa climatique.

Variez donc autant que possible votre alimentation et vos achats : ce conseil nutritionnel classique est aussi une bonne façon de soutenir la diversité biologique, qui n’a rien à voir la diversité croissante des produits dans les supermarchés, où les produits soi-disants « nouveaux » sont souvent faits avec les mêmes matières premières – du maïs, du blé, du riz et des pommes de terre."


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Sought

A good word? "Perfect." Such is our sought. We nurture praise and praise the vanished sins. The flow of soul's feelings and ideas are largely blurred by language yet language provides a means to transfer. I seek a life I do not know and am forgetting my own. I want it all or do I need it all?

I often find myself pondering upon the choices I have made. Always, I come to conclude that I would do naught the other way. I often find myself pondering about my future choices. Always, I am afraid.

All in all, it seems to me, support, finances, surroundings and all other possible influences, should not, and must not budge us off our stubborn ideological stances. Overcome your judgmental, and prejudiced minds to gain free thought - prose the feelings and thoughts.

I cry to myself. I know the emptiness, I know its cause, I blame it all on myself. Would I do anything any other way? Always, I come to conclude that I would do naught the other way. Filling voids with shallow aspirations and pastimes depleted of meaning? I can keep gambling. Injecting myself with a temporary miracle cure.

I solely wish to drift but there is nowhere to go. I want to float on the water, but I find myself impulsively flapping my arms as if I had wings. In my world, if I try hard enough, I will take off. In my world, I make the rules. In my world, even I have to struggle.

Bypass the brain. Free the soul. See it fly. Catch it if it falls down. Heal it's wings, don't let it cozy up. Make it fly again. Keep at it. Eventually, you'll free it and yourself as well.

A day in the monotonous life of a Taxi driver

So. Previous post sucked. But I'm not going to erase it nonetheless. This one doesn't seem promising either but we'll see where it goes. My posts, conversations and many thoughts, in general, seem to be momentarily-biased impulses anyway ("you're extroverted", Daniel would say). As a matter of fact, if I had the chance to relive my life from another point of view, I would chose to only feel and hear my thoughts and nothing else. Based on that, I would entertain myself by trying to guess the immediate situations and expand the thoughts evermore (as a matter of fact that could be an interesting concept for a book). Didn't make sense? Too bad - I'm writing this for me.

So, I took up the job of driving people from one place to another for money - I became a cabby. An interesting experience - that turned out to be. I met a few successful businessmen that supported me in my business efforts (emotionally). Met a great many maladjusted women (brought out some theories I may mention later). Even met a girl, that in any other lifetime (and possibly a little in this one) would have been a dream and a love (- turned out to be engaged and 27).

Overall, this job provided me with a temporary purpose, financial independence, an abundance of optional social interaction and so much free time to think (in the car) that a normal person would go mad. As I said before, when most of the humanly-necessary criteria are filled, we feel happy. - sorta,


Women. Fragile, subtle and bonded to society, they are. Place it in her head that she is neither fragile nor subtle; take away her longing for beauty and break away her loving bond - she will fall and futilely live a life of sought out desperation.

"They dance with ghosts" (to completely misquote Sting).

Unfortunately, America has no culture. At the very least, none that is strong enough to bond a people together. Enough to produce controllable mob-like behavior but not enough to provide three hundred million people with a purpose. As a species (and this is particularly true for women), must feel a purpose and a belonging, which, for the most part, is provided for us during our childhood; by our surroundings; by our culture. A culture is a mass-psychology engendered by strong engrained ideals and morals (something sociology ineffectively attempts to quantify). It is something that can only be generated through thousands of years of search and fruitless wars, not a few (admittedly efficient and revolutionary) centuries.

Well, anyway, my point is that, being the keepers of the culture, women are, seemingly, more affected by this void than men. But that which is characteristically American is vastly a due to a cultural void.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I haven't written here in a while. Perhaps it's because there was nothing to write about.
Life seemed almost too easy. Simple. But easy.

Much like our muscles, or anything else in life for that matter, if we do not strain, our intellects wither and lose that determination and concentration. We lose that which gives us the right to brand ourselves "intelligent" and "conscious", that which some of us struggle so greatly to acquire, that which, in my opinion, gave us the right to brand ourselves "human".

I have, for some time now, taken the path that such a great many people our age and generation advocate. I went for simplicity - perhaps in a different understanding than that of Mr. Substance or Mr. Alex, but I simply stopped caring about my possessions and started reevaluating my ideals. I packed my things, threw them in a trailer and moved in with my friend; thinking to myself, as I earn a little cash, I'll give him some sort of honorary rent.
Slowly, but surely, I began to not only accept, but live those morals which I had now, for some time, preached to myself. Materialism disappeared. Hate left. Prejudice was gone. And with prejudice went my egotism. I became simple. All that was left was a happy go-lucky person. The one that enjoys his life at the very moment he lives it - not the one that thinks it.

So, I went to parties, had fun. Enjoyed the superficial and flirtatious interactions of everyday life. Dropped the current idea of creating a business and found a simple little job to keep myself from worrying about finances. At the job, I enjoyed the company of simpler people. Did not strive to meet those who stimulate me intellectually - there was no prejudice pushing me - there were no expectations. I settled. I lived my daily routine, and found interest in the moment being. Even my parents seemed to stop bothering me - or maybe I just stopped noticing.

I became that which I respected in others, but that which I never thought I would become. I became blissfully simple.

Even now, as I am writing this, words don’t flow. Thoughts don’t lineup and organize – they vanish instants after they surface. I feel dumber. I feel stupid.

Maybe I lost at this game which I undertook. I came to conquer, but I was slain somewhere along the way.

Maybe not. I am noticing this for a reason. It’s my intellect putting up a fight – and I’m not going to let it die. I am not that kind of person. I will not awaken in 10 years only to cry for help. I will take myself by what is left of my most basic instincts and start hating. Start judging. I will start loathing that which stands in my way. I will detest that which my crisp and blazing thoughts brand as arid and useless. I will live again.

PS: Ha! – granted this isn’t my greatest work or the most intelligent thing I wrote, but I have to say that the change in my thinking and writing style was not deliberate and “just happened”. I think this is why the concept of blogs and journals is so successful.

Pss: As a matter of fact, I think my best bet for strengthening myself is to just avoid useless conversation and stay as close as possible to my natural hateful and/or judgmental thoughts as possible. What I think I mean by this post is that seeking what the Buddha and so many others refer to as enlightenment is wrong as it takes us away from our natural identities – or maybe it’s just wrong for those of us who wish to think.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

To Be and to Become

Learn what you are and be such - Pindar (BC522-BC443).

The Greek poet gave this redundant advice.

How can you learn to be what you are? Is it about finding our dharma - our calling? Aren't you you simply by being alive? Why become something we already are? Is it a koan-like aphorism, setting the wheels of inquiry in motion without giving practical information?

However mystical or poetic it seems, I will interpret Pindar's line as if it veridically was a concrete set of instructions to bring about progress in our self-development.

River VS Sphere

In Philosophy, it can be useful to divide ontology - What is to be? - in two main traditions:
The River and the Sphere.

Heraclites (The River) and Parmenides (The Sphere) were two "pre-Socratic" philosophers holding two different conceptions of reality represented by two different allegories.

~~~~~~ The River ~~~~~~

Heraclites's River implies an ever changing reality. The water you see in the riverbed at one instant is not the same as the water you are seeing a split second later. The river is in constant motion. Reality is flowing, never exactly twice the same - it is impermanent as a Buddhist might say. The river is slower one day, warmer, darker, fuller others. In the same way, all reality is motion. Transcendence does not exist. It is physical energy, natural science which govern a world of infinite complexity, filled with matter and energy.
The River represents materialism

ooooooo The Sphere ooooooo

Parmenides's Sphere on the other hand implies transcendence. What we experience in our lives is the imperfect manifestation of eternal, perfect designs. There is a world of perfection where pure Ideas exist: Love, Circle, Tree... The tree we see is a physical occurence of a pre-created, perfect model. In the same way, it is the transcendental notion of Love which is ultimately is real whereas love we experience is a happening of something pre-existent.
The Sphere represents Idealism.

The River, the Sphere, and becoming who you are

If we look at things from the Sphere perspective, you cannot become who you are, because who you are already an imperfect manifestation of your own perfect design.

From the River perspective however, you are your body and you are caught in the natural chain of events. You have physical needs, pleasures, aversions, sufferings. You also have an infinity of elements interacting with you from your environment. You cannot change that predicament. You must learn to accept it; and to accept it you must first be conscious of it. Therefore, Pindar's aphorism makes a lot of sense under Heraclites's light.

As the River, you are always changing, yet obeying some physical laws. Learn what you are by methodically examining your physical reality, your transient desires, fears and pleasures. Acknowledge them and do not reject them. You do not have control over their occurring, since you obey laws of nature and the interaction with the natural world, through the channel of your body.

A practical sample of ways of "learning what you are" looks like this.

  • Examine your position in the natural world. For example like all living objects you have drives to sustain yourself. You do so with the means of eating, drinking, breathing, sleeping. You probably also have the need to replicate yourself and your species. You also are sensitive to reward with pleasure, and punishment with pain.

  • Bring your awareness empirically events as they occur. Look at your ways of handling situations, your physiology, your behavioral patterns, your cultural background.
  • Practice mindfulness. Observe the natural world to see how it is changing, how it is working. By being mindful of all that arises you learn about your environment, your responses and ultimately about human nature and your own nature.
After all this objective examination, you will have greater notion of what you cannot control and what you intrinsically are. The second is step is to become who you are.

From the knowledge of what you are, all it takes is acceptance.

To become what you are you must ultimately learn to accept what you have witnessed about yourself and live in this physical body and this physical mind without resistance.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In Praise of an Egotistic Philosophy

1 a: excessive use of the first person singular personal pronoun b: the practice of talking about oneself too much
2: an exaggerated sense of self-importance : conceit — compare egoism Merriam-Webster online dictionary

In other words, me, me, me, me, me!

Yes, so why an egotistic philosophy?

How can egotism - the practice of talking about oneself too much - be of value as a philosophy to a person and to mankind?

I remember my philosophy teacher five years ago saying how the "moi" can be despairingly irksome to others. Who can stand a person who breaks in every conversation - be it about the weather or a complicated relationship - by saying "I think that", "In my opinion", "in my case" or "it has been my experience"?

The "moi" becomes a threat to the harmony of a community as it pulls to much energy inwardly instead of productively using that energy externally. This is beautifully represented in Orwell's 1984 which brings forth a form of groupthink one must adhere to if one does not want to raise suspicion from the authorities and break social cohesion. As a side note, we can notice the "moi" is a threat as long as we are not in a capitalist society where knowing what a "me" wants can mean profit! ;)

I listened to a lecture given by French philosopher Michel Onfray about the XIXth century as the Century of the Moi. I found his ideas worth exploring.

He analyzes the XIXth century as being a time where two different - almost opposite - approaches to life existed.
  • Social eudaimonism.
    • To develop and contribute to a socio-economic system enabling the happiness of all is the ultimate project.
    • Stuart Mill's social liberalism, Bentham's Panoptic capitalism, Owen's communist community, William Godwin's anarchist Protestantism, Bakounin's anarchist United States of Europe.
    • Capitalism, liberalism, socialism, communism, anarchism.
    • Plato's Republic. Social order is for the general interest, for the good of the people.
    • Politics need to be there first for Ethics to develop
  • Existential radicalism.
    • The pragmatic concern of living a philosophical life is the priority. Universal solutions can only be found by first examining ourselves.
    • Nietzsche, Thoreau, Emerson, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer.
    • Individualistic, Egotistic.
    • Socrates's "know thyself",
    • Ethics need to be there first for Politics to develop.
There undeniably exists an egotistic philosophical tradition. This is most obvious with the diary medium for expressing ideas. Marcus Aurelius - a favorite of mine - jots down his thoughts in his emperor's tent late at night during a military campaign. The result: beautiful meditations about life, ruling and virtue. Augustine, almost single-handedly founds Christian theology by writing his Confessions. Schopenhauer, at the age of 19, travels across Europe with his parents and writes a diary which contains almost the totality of ideas found in the rest of his work. One cannot forget Montaigne's and Francis Bacon's essays which seem to reveal truths about ourselves with each reading. Thoreau, the philosopher and "ecosopher"; his only company was himself, and he lyrically writes about individualism, society and nature, after a day of chopping kindle near Walden Pond. Sitting down to express our thoughts means we formulate them, give them structure and coherence so they can be written down. Insight about ourselves and the world follow.

More generally than writing a diary, egotism almost always precedes constructive thought. In Maieutics - the Socratic method of investigation - Socrates often encourages people to explore themselves, to face their inconsistencies and reveal perhaps a lack of integrity. By not running away from ourselves, we face painful reality and can mature our thought on our way to uncovering Truth.

Self-examination! How can anyone have a philosophical life without self-examination?

It is when we take the time to examine our suffering, our behavior, our responses, our feelings, that we can learn to develop empathy and a sensitivity to others by perceiving what is universal. Art is usually the result of self-examination. Philosophy is primarily meant to be lived not theorized. Analyzing the day gone by and sorting the information ("that was nice, that was bad"), improves who we will be tomorrow if we have the discipline. This is what philosophy as a daily practice is. It gives us awareness of what we do and whether it is good and bad for us and others, it gets us out of destructive ruts to create room for self-improvement.

I often clash with people who believe that it is a waste of time to try to create a change in the world by egotistically first focusing on ourselves. Sculpting a lifestyle as an embodiment of values seems ridiculous to them.

How can we know what to do for the general good, if we don't even take the time to learn about what is good for us? Know thyself, learn, grow and adjust. Be egotistical in that sense, make your main concern you.

Cultivate your lifestyle - with the same zeal as the dandy -, be brave enough to become congruent with your self.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Bicycling Horticulturalist

To all skeptics! Horticulture without a driver's license is possible!

"Ryan Nassichuk builds food gardens for people. His bicycle and trailer are the sole transport for himself, tools, and materials - including soil and plants! This horticulturist also builds container gardens and composters. Tour a backyard garden in which a 6-week class of students filled raised beds with soil, compost and fertilizer, did succession planting, and built a low-cost composter. Recently Ryan has added free seed-sharing to his wisdom-sharing, while continuing to propagate food gardens throughout Vancouver. This man has a low ecological footprint — or should we say bike tire tread? []"
-Peak Moment TV

Just sayin'...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Wwoof wwoof!

Dunno if Dan already told me about this or it is anyway ---> organic farming meets couchsurfing :)

super cool! I saw a brief segment about it on arte or france televisions (not sure) and I thought it looked pretty cool, especially 'cause you walk away with whatever knowledge the farmer imparted; in the case they showed the guy explained les vignes et puis s'en est suivi bien evidemment une seance de degustation :)

definitely something to be looked into! :)

oh, and dan what was that herbie hancock song i listened to at your place? chameleon?

(gonna have to edit this thing at some point, but i'm putting it up as is for now :)

Discover Herbie Hancock!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dare to be Naïve! Discovering Buckminster Fuller

I must confess that until today, I knew almost nothing about Buckminster Fuller.

I briefly read about him months ago while trying to figure out what Unitarian theology was about. I learned that he was some sort of genial modern polymath - à la Benjamin Franklin - who could, to those familiar with Jungian typology, easily epitomize the "extraverted intuition + introverted thinking" type. I imagined him as a man who needed to understand everything with a rational approach while being guided by an internal compass pointing to a certain universalism. He was an American architect, author, designer, futurist, inventor, philosopher and visionary. [*] The rest, I discovered today thanks to my lunch meal.

I had to prepare my meal early this morning before going to work since I do not have the opportunity to leave for lunch. Going through an Ayurvedic cooking phase, I've been experimenting with Indian recipes which inevitably include clarified butter: ghee. I have been amazed preparation after preparation by the richness in taste and texture it provides and the way it releases the aroma of spices. Today's meal included ghee and quickly after eating, I felt that the ghee itself was somehow responsible for an unusual sense of calm across my body. Curious to learn about the presumed benefits of the elixir, I searched for information online and stumbled upon an article written by a fellow called Peter Malakoff. After finishing the article - and being converted to the use of ghee forever :) - the author intrigued me, and so wanting to learn more about him, I visited his website where I read his biography.

It turns out this man's life is nothing short of incredible! For the sake of comparison, I would say it is what Into the Wild's Chris McCandless's life could have been had he lived earlier, but just a little crazier. To return to the subject of this post, Peter Malakoff after writing a paper was granted a scholarship to spend a month with Buckminster Fuller. This is how the meal lead to learning about the man!

"That night Bucky spoke of the world of sailing and the world as seen by a man at sea. Indeed, much of Fullers terminology, the very words he used and the principles they represented, came from the nautical world. Think of the famous term he coined- 'Spaceship Earth'. He likened the world to a ship, which, he pointed out, is a closed and limited environment, not an unlimited one and always in motion. He pointed out how important it was to grasp and understand this.

He told us of many years ago he had spoken to a group of architects in New York City and had asked the assembled group if any of them knew how much the huge, many storied building they were sitting in weighed. None of them had any idea. Fuller found this to be a major oversight and a serious fault on their part. How could they maximize the potential that could come from building materials and structures if they were not thinking 'ecologically', if they did not know what the building weighed? How could they build something in accord with the operating principles of life, of spaceship earth?

Fuller, who had captained many a boat, said that 'On a ship, one always had to know how much weight was to be carried. It was important to know this if the ship was to be able to perform well on the water. It was this 'closed' or limited environment, similar to the nature of the world as a ship, that gave rise to the very concept of ecology. The very word 'ecos' comes from the Greek word for house or home. Ecology', he said, 'begins with the recognition of the closed or limited environment of the world. It is born of the realization that you cannot just dump your trash or waste into a river or an ocean and that it will just be washed away. We are on a ship, a spaceship and absolutely everything is and needs to be recycled, we need to know how much things 'weigh' and how they 'work'.

He spoke about 'cybernetics' which Bucky defined as the 'science of self-regulating mechanisms'. (Think of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the 'cyborg' or the self regulating organism. Think of 'cyberspace' as self regulating space). Bucky said that the word, cybernos, comes from the Greek word for the 'helmsman' of a boat. Bucky then made a startling statement, "A drunk cybernos makes less mistakes than a sober cybernos". I asked him how that could be . . . I didn't want to be in a boat or a car driven or steered by a drunk. He shook his head in agreement. I felt completely lost. Then he made his point, "Unless you make a mistake, you do not correct your course. Because a drunk does not make so many mistakes, he does less correction of his course and so his course is mistaken, he weaves his way down the road, or he hits something with deadly results. A sober man is constantly correcting his many little mistakes before they get big and his course is thereby true"

He spoke of 'synergetics', what Fuller called the behavior of a whole system not predicated on the behavior of its parts. He told us of chrome-nickel steel and how its strength is over 50% greater than the sum of the strength of its component metals. He spoke of gravity and how there was nothing in all the stuff of the universe that would predict it would be mutually attracted to another thing.

He spoke of the principle of 'precession'. Bucky told us how precession is the relationship that occurs between objects that are in motion. 'Imagine a top', he said. 'When it is set spinning, if you push it, it will go at right angles to the direction of your push. This is the same as the earth spinning around the sun. The suns greater gravitational attraction would pull the earth directly into itself, but since the earth is spinning it goes in a great elliptical circle around the sun'. Fuller said that the principle of precession is how life 'works'- A honeybee goes to a flower in pursuit of honey. The bee only wants the honey, but at right angles to the intention or drive of the bee, flowers are pollinated. The honeybee is not concerned with pollinating flowers. Bucky proposed that 'life happens at right angles or in a precessional manner to the 180degree straight ahead intentions of the bee'. He went on to say that it was exactly the same with a human seeking money or sex or pleasure or power. Life is happening at right angles to our desires. By recognition of this, he said, we can begin to design our lives to take into account precession and thus work with the nature of nature.

Finally, I remember that Bucky spoke of the word 'trimtab', what it was and what it represented. Fuller told us of how a large boat like the Queen Mary has a very large, many tonned rudder at the the very back of the ship. At the back end of that very large rudder is a very small rudder. When the captain wants to turn the huge main rudder in one direction, he turns the small rudder in the opposite direction. This creates a difference of water pressure or lower pressure vacuum on one side of the large rudder and the main rudder can now be moved with almost no effort; It is literally 'drawn' in that direction. Bucky said this represented the power of the individual to change the direction of the 'ship of state', doing what government and corporations cannot, by applying design science, by doing the 'right' intelligent action. Further, he pointed out how the action of the trimtab is applied when the bulk of the ship has passed, when it seems to have gone past the point of any change. Fuller died in 1983 and the epitaph carved on his tombstone says: "Call me Trimtab"

Concepts like these are precisely what drew me to physics - a chance to increase the focus of my metaphysical observation lens. Knowledge of natural phenomena should give general epistemic tools by the improvement of intuition. Ideas like precession and the trimtab are very poetic and reveal the richness scientific knowledge can bring to philosophy. Many of his ideas may not be new today, but were visionary then.

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Purpose

I am on the fourth floor of USC’s Levey Library. I look out the window to my right; I face the south – I see the Aerospace Museum, MacArthur Quad and much of the USC campus with its summer-school students - they look like ants at this distance.

I look again, and this time, I see a world devout of meaning but with a purpose – a utilitarian purpose. I see that every atom that we lay our hands on is put to use. The trees are planted, aligned and trimmed to efficiently provide greenery to the campus, oxygen to the city and shade for the students. The grass lawns are cut and watered daily to remove the feeling of claustrophobia in an urban environment. The red rock of a San Diego query has been cut into identically shaped blocks and placed on the ground with a repetitive pattern to soothe our obsessive compulsive personalities.

Granted, this is not actually bad, I at times enjoy the look of my campus – it really does remove the feeling of claustrophobia brought out by the city. But it’s the omnipresence of this feeling that bothers me. Everywhere, nature is harvested and given a purpose to serve us humans. National parks are no longer just “nature” – they are locations for people to escape the stressful urban environment in a “pseudo-natural” manner. Fruits, vegetables, and animals are no longer creatures that roam this land, they are our nutritional requirements – we farm them – we use them. And now, humans are taught in schools, colleges and academies to further our evolution – to be used as machines.

All of this is done by man and none of it is done the way nature intended it to be.

Before, there was an anarchic beauty to the world, things that were needed, existed, things that were not, did not.

Is this wrong? I honestly don’t know.

The Consciousness of the Subconscious

I am a shepherd with a growing flock. That young mongrel mutt of mine, the one I’ve spent so long training, he’s ran away. I find myself alone with the little that belongs to me using all my power to keep it. I know he’s just sitting at a distance beaming at me – laughing. He will come back when he’ll be ready, I won’t push him or punish him when he returns.

I herd these sheep – I love my doing. I love that I have nowhere to come home to. Am I lying to myself? Sleeping amongst the stars, the recurring dream wakes me often. It seldom varies in its ambiance. It’s always same, the realization, the feelings; they all surge at me when I wake. Why can’t I think in my dream? Dreams are thoughts after all. I suppose what makes a dream so beautiful is the absence of our obscene associations – that obscene consciousness that is created by society – that which we are born without.

I float on a raft on foggy waters. I paddle hard with my hands. All to naught. I move slowly – no worries of hitting an unseen object – this is the void. The fog is comforting – almost cozy. Sometimes, the fog may disappear entirely in the blink of an eye, and in such, all I see is more stagnant waters. I learn I am in a calm, stale sea with no land in sight – just water, all else is mirages I think to myself. I sometimes see more fog ahead, perhaps it hides another raft... perhaps these waters are infested with wondering souls. An illusion? Perhaps this is a world of likely beings all floating on a desolate planet of pure water. Perhaps we aren’t even beings. Perhaps I’m one of the few that has no cozy fog. Perhaps I know nothing.

Accepting the world outside the fog is not comforting, and worst of all, each time the fog returns, it becomes denser and the coziness weakens. What of a life of such? It’s simple. Every human being will find a niche in any world. They will either meet another raft (continuing to drift, but now in company) or they will find a part of the fog that satisfies them for some absurd reason only logical to them. Some may manage to emerge, close their eyes and drift forever in hopelessness for every rafter knows in his soul the promise of unseen land. That is why we paddle and do not dive off.

Only those who are mad enough to seek land underwater find it – bliss awaits them.

And here I am, just sitting waiting for my dog...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Gull

Overt your eyes, you gazing flock, for I despise and dread you.
Deceiving eyes attempt to mock the lackings of your stale brew

A fish, a bird, a sea, a dive, you live a seagull’s life
And little interests is to me the sound of your small fife.

My intellect may speak to me but eyes can see, can feel.
Alas I may not prove myself to freedom that I will

And so, today, I gaze at you as you may spread your wings
A flap, another, off you soar to see what morrow brings.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Voice in the Crowd

The true free living human-being is the one that achieves his dream without depending on someone. -Lao Tzu

This somewhat Nietzschean quote justly expresses my highest aspirations and gives good clues as to why I want to become a permaculture designer and horticulturist - as well as to what my stance about relationships is. Although autonomy is an illusion, developing understanding and control makes me feel alive and whole.

The various musings that have punctuated my waking hours for the last couple years have brought along gentle change. Like Anemoi slowly sculpting a dune, gusts of different intensities have given shape to my worldview, my sense of identity, and a sense of connection with my intuitions. The dune remains at the mercy of yet stronger winds in the future, collecting grains of sand from other dunes, but its body is essentially formed. An everlasting work-in-progress with boundaries in flux but boundaries nonetheless.

My exploration of personality theories, Yoga, Buddhism, a plethora of novels, the works and teachings of various philosophers and spiritual guides, social psychology and the world of pick up artists, as well as plenty of experiences with friends, strangers and family, abroad or home, have given me a sense of what is my "natural mode of interaction" with my environment. I have developed a certain capacity to isolate and listen to my voice within the sounds of the choir.

Despite embracing the concept of an "interrelatedness of all things" and knowing the crucial importance of learning lessons through a wide variety of experiences in order to grow, - many including other people - I am decidedly not a man of dogma, shunning "belonging for the sake of belonging" and prizing autonomy above everything else. I am one of Thoreau's men who hears a different drummer. Schopenhauer's self-heating porcupine. An arrogant prick who nonetheless holds compassion as the ultimate standard. A man doomed to be an apostate, who needs to create his own reality, who runs away from isms, knowing that even when he might be on his own, he will always belong to some abstract community. The somewhat moderate ascetic who shares the Stoicist's suspicion that overindulgence bogs down while peace of mind frees.

No, I do not wish to escape society by seeking refuge in a garden. There is too much to learn from others and to share. What I do wish is a livelihood which is compassionate, wholesome, demanding, frugal, solitary, within nature but where I have a certain amount of control over my environment and can satisfy my desire to constantly learn and grow good sense while playing with variables on a macroscopic scale (variables less dramatic than those of the shepherd Tim). If I do take "the one seat", permaculture horticulture would be a great one.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

On the Edge - Climbing in the Alpilles

Allez Daniel ! Encore deux dégaines et t'y es !

The sun is scorching, the limestone scalding the fingertips. The mind is struggling not to overheat and the legs are riddled with prickling scratches, the shoulders frying.

The index and middle fingers are bleeding. Who knew a single phalanx structure could develop so much strength through training? Countless times locking in chalked tiny holds, these worn precious tools had to compensate too often for weaknesses in the rest of the body - for the not always calibrated sense of unwavering balance yoga should bring. The time is now. The body is what it is, the mind is itself - a monkey mind. In the present there is little choice, the veteran phalanges and the powerful arms go back to work.

Five meters above the last quickdraw, there is no room for hesitation. A single mistake and the fall will only be stopped by the ground 10 meters below. Dammit! I thought safety was always complete on a climbing route. What an idiot. Past a certain level threshold it is assumed that you are either an agile daredevil or very experienced.

Too much training indoors and none on cliffs leads to this kind of frightening realization. The physical capacity to comfortably complete 5.11 routes should mean a near-zero risk of falling on easier sections. Because of this, bolts can be spaced up to six or seven meters apart during simpler parts of the route. If you fall while trying to pass the rope through the quickdraw seven meters above the last bolt, you will descend at least 14 meters in full inertia. Unfortunately, you may not be more than 14 meters above the ground when you fail to pass the rope.

Once the third bolt is passed, you are generally "safe". This is when performance peaks. A fall could mean rope burns, cuts, contusions, or worse, a fracture - maybe even traumatic brain injury, but very rarely irreversible damage. Enough fear to remain 100% alert, enough security to express yourself on the rock. What a rush!

The sling is attached to the anchor. Looking down 35 meters, elation and pride are savored. A village in the distance, olive groves, voices from below, fellow climbers like ants climbing on other routes. Time to let go and enjoy a long descent.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Get in my belly! $200 burger?

"The burger's ingredients include the following: Japanese wagyu beef, white truffles, onions fried in Cristal champagne, topped with pink Himalayan rock salt. The burger's ingredients include the following: Japanese wagyu beef, white truffles, onions fried in Cristal champagne, topped with pink Himalayan rock salt. "

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No Comment

(via Cute Overload)


(via Wooster Collective)

Hypocrisy Now!

Ok, so the numbers are a little manipulated here, but it works out to 19.3 times the energy consumption of an "average" American home. Of course, one would need to know what homes this "average" is based on (size and location) as well as that of Al Gore. But this doesn't change the fact that he is a total hypocrite.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Diesel Love Vs. Love Electric

Diesel Love

As you are probably well aware of now, I've been obsessing over Diesel engines recently since they are, in my personal opinion (and facts will back me up on this), the best small combustion engines you can have (efficient, powerful, reliable). To give you a little taste of diesels, here's a little comparison of Diesels with Gas powered engines* (sources vary the numbers):

Energy Efficiency rating20%-30%25%-45%
Energy Density of the Fuel150k BTU/Gal166k BTU/Gal
AVG DIST on Engine Lifetime200k miles350k miles
AVG Cost of 98 E320 Mercedes$8k$18k

*150k BTU/GAL for biodiesel and 100k BTU/GAL for ethanol (these are Imperial Gallons). Averages based on experience and personal research (the rest you can find anywhere online).

There is only a single disadvantage to diesels, and that's the Horsepower (the torque is far superior to gasoline engines though). This renders diesel engines poor for sports use (max speed is lower than for gasoline engines).

In short, the engine is amazing.

But wait, there's more. Diesels can run on biodiesel (here's info on why this the best thing since sliced bread - which I make). If you don't feel like reading that page, here's the gist of it: it reduces emissions, it is more efficient, it is easy to make and it can be made from algae (which thrives on CO2 and NO gases - filtering them).

'nough said.

Love Electric

Well, electric engines, are completely different from combustion engines; they are quiet, have a very high range of RPMs, can be easily repaired, have absolutely zero emissions and have a nearly flat torque and power curve (great for racing). The only issue is that the technology has not quite reached the level necessary to market it on a global scale and it requires the evolution of other technologies that have not yet been invented (fusion) in order to make it truly ecological and worthy of our use.

Hydrogen powered, fuel cell vehicles are conceptually great because they have all the benefits of electric engines but don't leach off the power grid directly enabling companies to manage their energy production more efficiently and give us the potential to evolve the technology. However, hydrogen storage is ridiculously expensive and very inefficient (tank takes up the space of an entire car trunk). This will take some time to be marketable.

Well, what I was getting to here, was that currently, we need to switch to biodiesel, 10 years from now, to electricity and then, finally to fuel cells thus allowing the petroleum companies to die slowly or adapt electricity as their main energy production (dropping crude oil).

So, hold on, I'm-a-coming - I'm jumping on the biodiesel wagon.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Living Together

A number of porcupines huddled together for warmth on a cold day in winter; but, as they began to prick one another with their quills, they were obliged to disperse. However the cold drove them together again, when just the same thing happened. At last, after many turns of huddling and dispersing, they discovered that they would be best off by remaining at a little distance from one another. In the same way the need of society drives the human porcupines together, only to be mutually repelled by the many prickly and disagreeable qualities of their nature. The moderate distance which they at last discover to be the only tolerable condition of intercourse, is the code of politeness and fine manners; and those who transgress it are roughly told—in the English phrase—to keep their distance. By this arrangement the mutual need of warmth is only very moderately satisfied; but then people do not get pricked. A man who has some heat in himself prefers to remain outside, where he will neither prick other people nor get pricked himself.

-Arthur Schopenhauer, Studies in Pessimism

Monday, June 9, 2008

Freedom and Predetermination

Der Mensch kann tun was er will; er kann aber nicht wollen was er will.

Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills.

This is a famous aphorism from Schopenhauer I enjoy quoting, like you fellow blog contributors might have noticed.

Will is the instincts which move and drive man, make him act. It is a notion very much akin to Spinoza's Desire.

For Spinoza, "Everything, in so far as it is in itself, endeavors to persist in its own being; and the endeavor wherewith a thing seeks to persist in its own being is nothing else than the actual essence of that thing."

What drives this endeavor to survive is Desire and it is our very essence as human beings - the source and reason for all our actions. This closely resembles Schopenhauer's Will, doesn't it?

This is Darwinism pushed to the extreme. Every single human activity is about survival of the individual, the species or the group. A theory compatible with Tim's worldview if I am not mistaken. :)

There is no free will; the necessities of survival determine instinct, instincts determines desire, and desire determines thought and action.

Thank you Will Durant for expressing this clearly - The Story of Philosophy, page 136

But remember this from Schopenhauer's quote, even if all human activity is predetermined, we as individual can choose whether or not we do what we wish.

In life, the die is not necessarily cast. Let's divide the dice of life into three sets.
  1. The die of genetics, the social background die and the die of instincts, desire and human cognition. This set of dice is cast before birth.
  2. Each action leads to irreversible change even if only to an extremely small degree. In this set a die is cast with each action.
  3. We have the freedom to act. We can create change in our life, try to take it in the direction we are aiming for. This set of dice can be cast over and over indefinitely.
We have the opportunity to throw die #3 as we please. Let us indulge, it is our only freedom, even if this "freedom" is a mere subset of a system where all is determined.

Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal. -Schopenhauer

We are links in the chain of evolution. The adaptation mechanisms at stake are outside our control and drive our actions, but with little decisions within this framework we make the whole chain hold.

Even if it is predetermined by dice sets #1 and #2, the die of change - die #3 - gives meaning to our lives.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Stoicism, Lucretius and the Collapse of Societies

Nothing can be created from nothing

Christianity had a predecessor as the major system of thought in Europe. Stoicism had very little in common with the religion which effectively separated man from nature to make him God's child. Justinian understood that a stoicist world view was too pagan in essence to allow it to coexist with the new-found dogma and the unifying political potential it presented.

"Everything is right for me, which is right for you, O Universe. Nothing for me is too early or too late, which comes in due time for you. Everything is fruit to me which your seasons bring, O Nature. From you are all things, in you are all things, to you all things return." -Marcus Aurelius

However, Stoicism and its values such as Virtue were the dominant philosophy which shaped the livelihood of leaders and citizens in late Hellenism and then in the Roman Empire.

Its meditative approach to life and the central concept of ataraxia - absence of turmoil through detachment - is reminiscent of equanimity and reveals rooting or at least similarity with Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies.

"Freedom is secured not by the fulfilling of one's desires, but by the removal of desire." -Epictetus

What sets it apart from Paganism and Eastern thought is its obvious place in the lineage of other Greek schools which hold pure logos - rationality, thought, scientific dialectics - as the compass and arbiter of all decisions, behaviors and judgments.

"The vivid force of his mind prevailed, and he fared forth far beyond the flaming ramparts of the heavens and traversed the boundless universe in thought and mind." -Lucretius

Lucretius - the soberly lyrical observer, reminds me of Lao Tzu in his capacity to see what is timeless. Ovid, in his Amores, writes: "Carmina sublimis tunc sunt peritura Lucreti / exitio terras cum dabit una dies" (which means the verses of the sublime Lucretius will perish only when a day will bring the end of the world). Everything experiences the inevitable dance of the cosmos: gestation, birth, growth, maturity, decline, illness, death. Not only is life caught up in the cycle but also societies, systems, ideologies, objects. All that remains is the stage - the universe - a patient spectator.

"Thus the sum of things is ever being renewed, and mortals live dependent one upon another. Some nations increase, others diminish, and in a short space the generations of living creatures are changed and like runners pass on the torch of life." -Lucretius

Lucretius probably never doubted the Roman Empire would overextend itself and that its power would dwindle and that it would eventually be replaced.

Societies and economical systems collapse. It is inevitable.

In the video below, a parallel is drawn between our global oil-based economy and the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
"According to Professor Guy Prouty, every civilization rises, evolves, and then collapses to a simpler structure — and this will include our own. Comparing America with the Western Roman Empire, Prouty notes the over-reach of our military, the unsustainability of capitalism, peak oil, and climate change. And, this time, we may see a global collapse. Transitioning to a simpler society will require us to change behavior and consciousness: decrease energy, get out of debt, decentralize, de-consume, grow our own food, build community, see ourselves as connected to the planet. Collapse is not the end, he says. It’s part of a natural cycle."

Who knows? We might start hearing the whispers of Epicurians and Stoicists again in a few decades...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Journalists tackle nutrition

Our approach to nutrition is wrong.

Michael Pollan brilliantly exposes how "nutritionism" is a messed up ideology which rests upon four inherently wrong premises:
- What's important in food is the nutrients.
- We rely on a "food priesthood" (doctors and scientists) to determine how we eat.
- There are good nutrients and bad nutrients.
- Food's purpose is health only.

"Eat food (real food), not too much, mostly vegetables."

Thank you so much Alex for sharing this! ;)

In the second talk, he casts light on common misconceptions we have about our self-perception in the evolutionary perspective when it comes to feeding ourselves.

Mark Bittman colorfully explains how our consumption of meat and its industry spiraled dangerously out of control.

Michael Pollan @google

Michael Pollan @TED

Mark Bittman @TED

Foie Gras Anyone?

Voyage au pays du foie gras

Everyone eat just a little less of it please!

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
Albert Einstein

Monday, May 19, 2008


Although I believe a man's Weltanschauung is in some ways a "dynamic sum" of what he has read, some books obviously tip the scale and create the profoundest effects.

Maybe it's the timing - the season, the recent disappointments, the new unformed hopes, the life changes, the people recently met. Sometimes you read a book, watch a movie - and BAM! the missing puzzle piece makes you realize there was a puzzle being solved in the first place and completes it in a flash - or better, starts a new one.

Walden had this effect on me. It certainly was the timing, the unexpected coincidences, the life changes and the unformed hopes.

Instead of writing an essay about the book or summarizing Thoreau's ideas, here are some selected favorite extracts:

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.

But lo! men have become the tools of their tools. The man who independently plucked the fruits when he was hungry is become a farmer; and he who stood under a tree for shelter, a housekeeper. We now no longer camp as for a night, but have settled down on earth and forgotten heaven. We have adopted Christianity merely as an improved method of agriculture. We have built for this world a family mansion, and for the next a family tomb. The best works of art are the expression of man's struggle to free himself from this condition, but the effect of our art is merely to make this low state comfortable and that higher state to be forgotten.

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.

Age is no better, hardly so well, qualified for an instructor as youth, for it has not profited so much as it has lost.

Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.

There are nowadays professors of philosophy, but not philosophers. Yet it is admirable to profess because it was once admirable to live. To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust.

I have learned that the swiftest traveller is he that goes afoot.

I have thoroughly tried school-keeping, and found that my expenses were in proportion, or rather out of proportion, to my income, for I was obliged to dress and train, not to say think and believe, accordingly, and I lost my time into the bargain. As I did not teach for the good of my fellow-men, but simply for a livelihood, this was a failure.

The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready, and it may be a long time before they get off.

The greater part of what my neighbors call good I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?

A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.

We should be as good as the worthies of antiquity, but partly by first knowing how good they were. We are a race of tit-men, and soar but little higher in our intellectual flights than the columns of the daily paper. It is not all books that are as dull as their readers.

By avarice and selfishness, and a grovelling habit, from which none of us is free, of regarding the soil as property, or the means of acquiring property chiefly, the landscape is deformed, husbandry is degraded with us, and the farmer leads the meanest of lives. He knows Nature but as a robber

Grow wild according to thy nature, like these sedges and brakes, which will never become English bay. Let the thunder rumble; what if it threaten ruin to farmers' crops? That is not its errand to thee. Take shelter under the cloud, while they flee to carts and sheds. Let not to get a living be thy trade, but thy sport. Enjoy the land, but own it not. Through want of enterprise and faith men are where they are, buying and selling, and spending their lives like serfs.

Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.

I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn.

I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

It is life near the bone where it is sweetest.

Drive a nail home and clinch it so faithfully that you can wake up in the night and think of your work with satisfaction— a work at which you would not be ashamed to invoke the Muse. So will help you God, and so only. Every nail driven should be as another rivet in the machine of the universe, you carrying on the work.

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.

Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito's wing that falls on the rails. Let us rise early and fast, or break fast, gently and without perturbation; let company come and let company go, let the bells ring and the children cry -- determined to make a day of it.

Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

No More Junk!

In lieu of a post I thought I would link to this article by Ralph Blumenthal. Coincidentally the auhtour's surname means "flower valley".

Friday, May 16, 2008


I think you've all noticed that I have a bit of a soft spot for pretty girls... Only god knows how many actresses I've crushed on (I don't mean famous ones, I mean ones I've actually met in person). Wouldn't life be easier if we could just appreciation women for their personalities alone? I know it would rid me of about 60% of my ridiculously high standards - though it would not solve the problem (80% for most men) .

So what do you think the evolutionary purpose of physical attraction is?

We all know about the evolutionary attraction to physical attributes. Breasts, will feed the young; a high waste to hip ratio will make birth easier; good skin is synonymous with health; etc, etc. It improves our chances of procreation. But what about beauty? A perfectly shaped face. A slender figure? Most of these standards are at least partially created by our modern society. Merely flying to another continent, we see other cultures worshiping roundness and a different face and what do we do? We stimulate bulimia and anorexia. And the worst part of it is... I love slender (I'm part of the problem). This is not only irrational, but also unhealthy from a descendance point of view.

My question is: What possible genetical improvements would our descendants benefit from if we procreated with a beautiful woman? What is the evolutionary purpose of attraction to beauty if beauty is primarily cultural?

Monday, May 12, 2008


The tide's steady ebb and flow - the echo of the undertow.
The water with patient potency claims more.
Takes in then lets go.

Inhalation and exhalation.

You are inflating a balloon with the rhythm of a powerful breath. If you do not pinch, some air will be returned from the balloon after the exhale. By not pinching, yet breathing repetitively, the balloon will get fuller with air at each exhale and deflate a little bit at each nose inhale until it is acceptably inflated.

Two steps forward, one step back, just like the waves on the beach front.

Moving forward by oscillation. The mechanism forces you to lose a little bit to gain more.

Can you see this clearly?

This is how I would define equanimity. Evenness of mind is the capacity to have the intuition that the impulse to react quickly - from tension - does not result in sound decisions. Equanimity is slowing down to synchronization with the beat given by the drummer we can call Nature.

Our taste buds may have evolved to love sweet and salty tastes, but greedily giving into the impulse is not a good long-term strategy.

If you stop eating before feeling full, you will have more energy.

Bodybuilders have much to gain by alternating between workout sessions and rest. Bodies need sleep to become stronger, to learn, to memorize, to repair, to digest. All the things we wish we could be doing awake and with our conscious minds operating.

To keep pace with the drummer we must first learn to listen. Mindfulness.

Nature's tool: surrender and gentleness.

Surrender your conscious mind "into the arms of Morpheus"or meditation and feel refreshed. The farmer must learn to work with the seasons, he cannot step outside the drummer's pace.

To achieve harmony with ourselves, others and the world, we must listen and adjust our pace to the music of nature.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

You're breaking my balls, humanity

I found these two little videos very interesting, so I thought I would share them with you.

Jay Leno, in my opinion, is one of the very few personalities that is both intelligent and capable of being on American television (I respect John Stuart too, but he's just too political for me). Oh, and Leno has a cool garage too - hehe.

Anyway, the first video brings up an interesting point - the death of the electric car. Much like the diesel engine that is more fuel efficient, reliable, and clean than our everyday unleaded fuel engines, the electric engine never reached the masses. Why? Because it was too feminine (says Leno). The diesel engine reached the masses but did not have the success of the other. Why? Perhaps it was too loud. Either way, from a technological stand point, it should have succeeded. This brings me to my first point. It is probable that many inventions and scientific discoveries are in our possession and are not being used purely for marketing reasons.

Today, the fuel companies and the US are investing more money into ethanol than any other alternative fuel source. Why? Because it would allow the fuel companies to keep their infrastructure of fuel dispensation and it would allow America to produce its own fuel and thusly their (both, the US, and the corporations') grip on the world. This is a bit of an issue. I believe that the future lies in electric vehicles (granted, it would be a much more drastic change in our infrastructure). Hydrogen cars (fuel cell cars) or battery-powered electric cars both create zero emissions and run on renewable resources. And, most importantly would push the world to invest more money into fusion (because of the rising need in electricity). Also, electric vehicles, especially the battery powered cars, require virtually no up-keep and could potentially be refueled at home (for hydrogen, we'll have to wait).

Long story short - economics get in the way of a speedy technological evolution.

This leads me the main point.

I have always advocated that free market economics paired with improved communications (globalization) was the fastest and most efficient way to evolve socially. Although, this theory is currently leading us in the right direction (the green movement), we may not be moving fast enough. What that theory does not account for, is the speed at which social awareness advances and the sample size - it has a statistical base after all. So far, it seems that, as masses, we have been thinking in unity and our social herd-psychology pushes us to react adequately - however, I don't think that this is necessarily enough since in the end, those who make decision and control the masses aren't a large enough sample to create a "free market psychological approximation".

Explanation: By "free market psychological approximation", I mean that our human psyche can be approximated and trends can be clearly seen in the evolution of the markets. What this entails is that whenever there is a world issue large enough to affect the bulk of the population, humans will adapt in a way so as to fix the problem - a sort of bee-hive approximation. As a crude example, we can take ecology; sixty years ago, when pollution was unseen, it was also unheard of; today, when we can see a disgusting cloud of grayish brown enveloping the Greater Los Angeles area and taste chemicals in spring water, we can't help but be brought aware of an issue and our instincts tell us all (as a mass - and for the most part) to make a change. And so, we begin to change, and this can be observed in our world economical trends (growing ecological markets, Whole Foods, etc... ).

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Omission - A Cry for Action

Is withholding the truth as bad as lying?

In my first post, I presented two classic social biases: the outgroup homogeneity bias and the trait ascription bias.

If humans could gain much by becoming aware of their cognitive mechanisms, certain behavioral patterns should be brought to awareness at all costs to avoid repeating mistakes from the past. Errare humanum est, sed perservare diabolicum.

We have all heard about the sometimes irrational tendency to protect the status quo; I would like to cast light on a variant: the omission bias.

"We tend to judge harmful actions as worse than harmful inactions (omissions)."

Many people believe that withholding the truth is better than lying although the outcome is the same.

This is an experiment led by Spraca, Minsk and Baron:

A story is read by a group of subjects.
"John, a tennis player, is about to play against a tough opponent in a decisive tournament match. He knows that the opponent is lactose intolerant."
The subjects are then presented with two conditions:
  1. John recommends food he knows contains dairy.
  2. The opponent orders the food and John does not warn him about the danger despite knowing about it.
As the omission bias predicts, a majority of people found recommending the food more immoral than not informing the opponent.

Most of us have disdain for those who collaborate with repressive police states or accuse innocents. Are we really much better when we witness it and do not react? By knowing something terrible is going to happen and then letting it happen, we are criminals.

You might not like the direction I'm heading in with this post. Although this might be outside the scope of the omission bias, mere knowledge makes us all responsible. We know about future catastrophes to come, injustices happening today, and we let everything happen. I myself so far have not had enough intelligence, maturity, courage and perspective to shake myself into action. I will fall sleep soundly and it should provoke disgust. Guilt, whining and transferring blame is worthless, we are all responsible, and if we want things to change we must act. The simple principle "do not that to another, which thou wouldst not have not done to thyself" is an example of a great place to start.