Sunday, May 25, 2008

Journalists tackle nutrition

Our approach to nutrition is wrong.

Michael Pollan brilliantly exposes how "nutritionism" is a messed up ideology which rests upon four inherently wrong premises:
- What's important in food is the nutrients.
- We rely on a "food priesthood" (doctors and scientists) to determine how we eat.
- There are good nutrients and bad nutrients.
- Food's purpose is health only.

"Eat food (real food), not too much, mostly vegetables."

Thank you so much Alex for sharing this! ;)

In the second talk, he casts light on common misconceptions we have about our self-perception in the evolutionary perspective when it comes to feeding ourselves.

Mark Bittman colorfully explains how our consumption of meat and its industry spiraled dangerously out of control.

Michael Pollan @google

Michael Pollan @TED

Mark Bittman @TED


Substance said...

For other Michael Pollan talks check

Tim said...

That's some nice info, although, it's not really aimed at the average person...

PS: the third video doesn't work