Saturday, May 17, 2008

No More Junk!

In lieu of a post I thought I would link to this article by Ralph Blumenthal. Coincidentally the auhtour's surname means "flower valley".


"alex" said...

oh, while i'm at it, if either of you guys manages to DL the documentary 'Surwise' I would love to get my hands on a copy.

peace and love

"alex" said...

Surfwise trailer:

not a trailer, but excerpts of Surffwise:

Tim said...

I wonder if those people really thought it through...

"alex" said...

surfwise or the nytimes family? or both?

Substance said...

I enjoyed this! thx.

I think it will work out for them.

A priori, it should be easier for them than for the Paskowitzes. Though having a disciplinarian on the ship like Doc Paskowitz could make all the difference between success and failure.

"alex" said...

Re-reading myself I noticed an error: I meant "incidentally" not "co-incidentally"