Greek philosophers were in some ways antiquity's Oprahs and Dr. Phils, Cosmopolitan Magazine columnists and self-development gurus.
- Fat - food is deep-fried, smeared in butter, full of low quality oil.
- Emphasizes appearance over content, i.e. is superficial - apples are shiny, drinks and sauces have a pretty color and texture. These same apples are doused in pesticides, the drinks full of carcinogenic chemicals.
- The character on the box is friendly and warm, but the box is devoid of substance - Notice how there are smiling faces on every box or bright warm designs? A quick glance at the forty ingredients list at the back, 95% of which are artificial will give you second thoughts about the pleasure-inducing properties of the food. Which leads me to the next point:
- Artificial - No, what you are eating is not supposed to taste like this; and yes, you aren't used to the original taste and don't like it anymore.
- Littered with unnecessary junk - just like a home is often full of useless items you never will need, food is loaded with things that your body does not require to function. It takes room but serves no purpose. Why do rice cakes which can be found in Europe with one or two ingredients (whole-grain rice and perhaps salt), have about seven additives in the U.S.? This last experience in the supermarket almost gave me a nervous breakdown.
I could go on, it would be unfair. After all, the U.S. are the land of plenty. The healthy food is out there for you if you look for it. Even if mainstream culture unconsciously (or consciously) encourages you to go along with the flow and eat what is advertised for and served in dining halls, you can break out of it, a myriad of possibilties exists. The good, the bad and the ugly are available. Nowhere will you find more organic food, healthier products in quantity, places to exercise, books written about health, slow eating and protecting the environment. The best college professors, the best scientists, the best experts and amazing artists.
This country is endearing. A hodgepodge which generates vertigo. A land where "less is more" becomes "more and more and more" and "more for less $". A masquerade deliquescing into concrete reality. A brave new world; pleasure and positive feelings originating from the insubstantial, the material and the immaterial.
nice post! having fun in the US are you ;)
i liked the bit about ancient philosophers.
so, linux or windows? i think linux must be the choice of the future, what with the rise of developing nations, growing support of open source and creative commons, and globally people being more and more computer savvy and therefore more able and likely to take advantage of the possibilities made available by that platform.
I like your opinion on the US, it's pretty much identical to mine (if that's ever possible).
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