- The hamstrings
- The abdomen
- The hips
- The lower back
The second two are joint complexes. Hips are locked and the lower back is inflamed and stiff.
These parts of the body are too often overlooked by bodybuilders and many other athletes who could avoid pain and increase performance by targeting these areas from time to time.
Upavishta Konasana is recommended for the hips and lower back.
Paripurna Navasana for abdominal strength.
Uttanasana done properly will help stretch hamstrings and the lower back
Wow! I so cannot do that Uttanasana thing. I'm lucky if I can touch my toes these days :)
You're right about bodybuilders. I remember that (brief) period when I would actually hit the weight room. After having done hack-squats and hyperexstensions and feeling my muscles bunch up, like sheets at the bottom of the bed, the following day. Flexibility is definitely underated.
"Wow! I so cannot do that Uttanasana thing. I'm lucky if I can touch my toes these days"
Here's an extract from a Yoga Journal article:
"Paula Kout, director of White Iris Yoga in Evanston, Illinois, discovered this when she taught yoga to the Chicago Bulls for the 1997-1998 season. Although she tried teaching the Bulls poses that would give them more flexibility in the fronts of the ankles, such as Virasana (Hero Pose), they found them so difficult that they refused to do them. As usual, the most challenging poses are the ones that target the spots that need the most work. But these asanas don't have to be unbearable."
It's normal for Uttanasana to be difficult at first. Hamstrings are clearly one of these spots that most need attention for men.
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