Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Essence of PU

This flow chart summarizes it all.

Field tested two days ago. B Target compliance, A2 cleared, receptive to screening, close in sight ~ it's all about kino.

I've felt like writing this in a while, finding it cool that the gibberish actually means something.


"alex" said...

umm, is it incomplete? cause there seems to be a bit missing -- after 'compliance test' etc. otherwise it's just a neverending pattern...

Substance said...

Yes, you are right, it would be a cyclical pattern.

That was all for A2, i.e. female to male interest. The man demonstrates higher value while simultaneously showing disinterest in the target. She responds by giving IOIs

Remember, one successful compliance test is not enough to escalate abruptly. When you feel like you have attracted the target enough - usually three successful compliance tests - you can move on to A3, i.e. male to female interest. Here, the pattern is broken. The man baits the woman to become more invested in the interaction, and then he rewards her efforts with IOIs.

A3 is where you work on pair bonding - she feels like she is not just a physically attractive woman, but a special woman to you. Bait, reward, release, bait, reward, release. Qualifiers, screening ("what are your three best qualities?"), eliciting values, giving SOIs sprinkled with negs ("you're awesome!...sort of. Your first impression was so-so, but now that I am getting to know you, I can see that you have an uncommon, expressive personality It's attractive."). This is where kino is most important. For example, as you ask her if she likes animals, you are close and stroking down her cheek with your fingers. It should be ok after those three earlier successful kino compliance tests (palm reading, hand squeezes, kino pinging, etc). :)

Neglecting kino is a common sticking point (to improve). The pair bonding must feel natural - "it was so smooth, it was meant to happen".

After A3 the realm of PU is left and mid-game begins - roughly seven hours of bouncing and building comfort.

"alex" said...

i just reread the post, 2 things:

1. where'd you get this A2, A3 stuff?
2. what do you mean field tested you naughty boy? ;) :D

"alex" said...

what do you think about "who's husband did you come with" as a neg? i just heard that in a film about the first self-sustained circumnaviagtion race and thought it was pretty funny. apparently the dude later continued by telling her that she would marry an impossible man but that she would be greatly loved. they got married had like 5 kids, the dude faked his circumnavigation, and when cracks started to appear in his story he threw himself overboard never to be found...interesting documenatry, about isolation etc

back to the neg, would you consider that a neg? i like the line about her marrying an impossible man as well, though i think they're lines that would only work once you hit a certain age and a particular context (ie cocktail party or somehting and the chick is wearing a hot, slightly "slutty" dress).

anyway dude let me know when you're back in town

"alex" said...

oh, and sorry for ruining the story for ou :D ;)

"alex" said...


Substance said...

This man's world seemed very poetic. It is both inspiring and tragic when people live their lives as an illusion, à la Catch Me If You Can. A mixture of freedom from determinism and being a prisoner of the love and admiration of others (winning the love they never felt as children, etc...).

Yes, for negs, context and congruence is important.

For instance, using "who's husband did you come with?" can work but only with a SHB - non-SHBs won't perceive you as having balls asking - and at a party with many sugar daddies.

A1,A2,A3,C1,C2,C3,S1,S2,S3 is Mystery Method. Attract (the Pick Up)/Comfort (the seven hours of bouncing)/Seduce(foreplay)

"alex" said...

you didn't answer the bit about field testing :D

Substance said...

Not much to be said about the field test.

All I'll share is that carabiners are nice props... ;D