Clouds appear, change and dissolve in the sky. Behind the gray clouds, the sky is there, ever present. Without the sky, there cannot be clouds.
Our thoughts and emotions are the clouds in the sky which is our awareness.
Picture frames of a movie are projected on a screen. Likewise, thoughts, emotions, sensations and moods are projected on the screen of awareness. Even when all we experience is the drama of our lives, the thoughts appear, change and dissolve in the awareness. Without awareness, there cannot be thoughts.
Forms appear out of emptiness. Clouds in the emptiness of the sky, thoughts in the emptiness of awareness.
By realizing the presence of awareness and the impermanence of all it witnesses, one can start to tame the mind, learning to detach from the drama and rest in the awareness itself. Memories, plans, thoughts and emotions stop solidifying into "who we are" but become clouds witnessed by our awareness. This way, we stop being egocentric and separate.
Patience and perseverance
From there, one can start to change the contents of the mind and nurture positive states. One practices cultivating lovingkindness and compassion.
Like any skill, practicing positive mind states takes patience and perseverance. Lovingkindness and compassion bring inner and outer peace.
Inspired by Tenzin Palmo's dharma talk about emptiness